Eric Fox

Director Forecasting

Eric Fox is Director, Forecasting Solutions with Itron where he directs electric and gas analytics and forecasting projects, provides regulatory support, and manages Itron’s Boston office. Fox has over 30 years of forecasting experience with expertise in financial forecasting and analysis, long-term energy and demand forecasting, and load research. Eric has a strong foundation in forecast model development, technology assessment, and statistics. Eric started his forecasting career supporting and implementing the EPRI residential and commercial end-use forecast models. He helped developed the Statistically Adjusted End-Use (SAE) modeling framework that leverages off of the Energy Information Administration National Energy Modeling System and Annual Energy Outlook. Eric provides forecast training through utility workshops and webinars and has assisted numerous utilities and system operators with implementing SAE models for long-term energy and demand forecasting. Eric has a B.A. and M.A. in Economics from San Diego State University.